wine cellar cooling, wine cooling unit, wine ageing, wine care, handmade humidor

Eurocave wine cellar cooling is equiped with a wine cellar cooling unit. Wine is ageing in a handmade environment. Wine care is the absolute priority of Eurocave.

Just like in a natural wine cellar cooling, EuroCave wine cabinets comply with the criteria required by wine, thanks to proven technology.

Eurocave offers you 3 solutions of wine cellar cooling :

The vieillitheques (temperature wine storage wine cellar cooling). Whatever the ambient temperature, the Viellithèque guarantees that your wine will be stored at the constant temperature of your choice. As with all EuroCave wine cellar cooling, it recreates the caracteristics of a traditional wine cellar cooling: hygromerty, darkness, vibration-proofing and natural aeration.

The eurotheques (temperature wine-tasting wine cellar cooling).The Eurothèque efficiency combines an ageing compartment at 12°C (central chamber of wine cellar cooling), with two compartments at specific temperatures: the upper chamber for bringing 8 to 12 bottles to room temperature, and lower chamber for chilling to 20 bottles. As will all EuroCave wine cellar cooling, it recerates the caracteristics of a traditional wine cellar cooling: hygromerty, darkness, vibration-proofing and natural aeration.


Wine cellar cooling

The servitheques (multi-temperature service wine cellar cooling ).The Servithèque offers a specific system enabling a whole range of temperatures to be maintained inside the wine cellar cooling. Boasting up to 10 temperature zones, these models make it possible to store each wine at its ideal serving temperature, while spectacularly enhancing the quality of the wine and the speed of service. As will all Eurocave wine cellar cooling, it recreates the caracteristics of a traditional wine cellar cooling : hygromerty, darkness, vibration-proofing and natural aeration.What's more, the Servithèque represent the ideal wine list for restaurant. In fact, in a dining room, the wine cellar cooling becomes an ideal wine display and presentation tool.

Wine cellar cooling : EuroCave


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